NDAA Signed Into Law

On Monday, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 was signed into law, giving American troops their biggest raise in nearly a decade. As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, Steve Knight helped craft the legislation and secure funds for local aerospace projects.

The bill works to rebuild the United States armed forces — including appropriations for thirteen new ships, seventy-seven F-35 jets, and several other improvements to military technology and preparedness. More importantly, it gives the men and women who serve in the military a 2.9% raise, the largest in nine years.

Steve Knight has long been an advocate for a strong military, and serving on the Armed Services Committee has given him the chance to work on issues related to national security.

Knight has been particularly active promoting investment in aerospace. He worked to secure support for several aerospace projects which depend on NDAA appropriations, including both the B-21 Raider  and F-35 projects. These are important elements of the economy within Knight’s district, and supporting these projects will contribute to the long-term success of the region’s economy.

Along with his important work on the NDAA, Knight has also helped create tax incentives for aerospace contractors in the Antelope Valley and supported job training programs which help educate and employ young people entering this field.

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